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May 29, 2020

Application Roadmap: How to Beat the Deadlines

Follow LEAP’s step-by-step plan for stress-free, no parent nagging, college application completion. -Get clarity on where to apply when you can’t visit colleges. -How to tackle the hardest part first…the essay. PLUS the *new* essay on COVID impact. -Learn which parts can (and should) be done prior to August 1st. -Determine which schools you can save money on application and ACT/SAT reporting fees.

May 12, 2020

Increase Grammar & Writing Skills

One of my favorite birthday cards was from my sister, Lora. A picture of two possible sisters on the front. MY sister asking me, “Where’s your birthday party at?” I reply, “Don’t end a sentence with a preposition.” I won’t spoil the slightly inappropriate inside lines, but it had me laughing.

Apr 8, 2020

What is Test Optional & Should You Submit Test Scores

Test optional has been around for a very long time, but is getting renewed attention in the wake of COVID-19 as some colleges have indicated a move to Test Optional for the class of 2021.  What is test optional? Test optional means allowing students to apply to a college with or without ACT/SAT scores; it’s left up to the student.

Mar 11, 2020

What to do when colleges cancel your visit due to Coronavirus

Is Coronavirus sabotaging your plans for spring break college visits? Don’t despair! Here are action tips on how to navigate the college selection and be application ready with this extra free time you’ve suddenly found.

Dec 31, 2019

ACT & SAT College Readiness Benchmarks

ACT and SAT College Readiness Benchmarks are meant as a guideline to indicate students likely to be successful in college as a freshman.  That is they have the ability and if they put the work in they are likely to succeed.

Sep 25, 2019

Math on the ACT & SAT

Love it or hate it, math makes up ¼ of the ACT test and ½ of the SAT.   Students often attribute a less-than-stellar ...

May 27, 2019

Will ACT/SAT Super Scoring Help with College Admission?

As scores roll in, students ask IF they should retest.  I wrote about this previously in our post Who Should take th...

Oct 19, 2018

4 College Planning Steps for Fall

Nothing is worse than stressed out teens and parents feeling like they have to nag. When families put off crucial du...

May 16, 2018

Your Guide to College

A journey with 4,000 possible destinations deserves a seasoned guide! LEAP journeys with students through all pieces ...

Nov 30, 2017

How to Permanently Delete Poor ACT Scores

Despite students’ best effort and being well prepared, sometimes things are just “off” on test day resulting than les...

Oct 7, 2017

LEAP’s ACT-SAT Prep Essentials Approach

Will your ACT or SAT scores limit your college choices? Might college cost you thousands more than necessary? Since 1999, LEAP’s proven approach to test prep has equipped thousands of students to maximize their ACT and SAT test scores to their full potential.

Oct 12, 2015

The Two (or more!) Week Rule

This time of year many seniors are feeling behind on applications. As we step in to assist, there’s the reminder of ...
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