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Jul 13, 2019

3 Steps to Starting Your College Applications

There is no reason seniors can’t be a good 80% or so finished with college applications before the senior year even b...

Jul 10, 2019

Did You Write Your College App Essay In English?

“My English teacher at school helped me with my essay. I want a second set of eyes on it. What’s the difference in w...

Jun 26, 2019

How to Beat College Application Deadlines

Follow LEAP’s step-by-step plan for stress-free, no parent nagging, college application completion. -How to tackle...

May 27, 2019

Will ACT/SAT Super Scoring Help with College Admission?

As scores roll in, students ask IF they should retest.  I wrote about this previously in our post Who Should take th...

Mar 15, 2019

What Does ETHICAL College Prep & Consulting Look Like?

Since 2005 there has been a 400% increase in IECs (Independent Educational Consultants) providing college-bound cons...

Feb 27, 2019

5 Reasons to NOT Pay Your College Deposit

It’s exciting! You have a place to go to college. A new home for the next four year. SOMEONE wants you – maybe even ...

Jan 1, 2019

White, Upper Middle Class and on a DIVERSITY Scholarship

How does a white, Catholic, upper-middle-class, Midwestern young lady achieve a full-tuition DIVERSITY scholarship at a highly selective university like Ohio State?  Actually not one, but TWO, LEAP students have received this honor by following this advice!

Oct 19, 2018

4 College Planning Steps for Fall

Nothing is worse than stressed out teens and parents feeling like they have to nag. When families put off crucial du...

Aug 23, 2018

States Where ALL Juniors Take the ACT or SAT

On July 11, 2016, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) announced starting with the graduating class of 2018 ALL Ohi...

May 16, 2018

Your Guide to College

A journey with 4,000 possible destinations deserves a seasoned guide! LEAP journeys with students through all pieces ...

Apr 23, 2018

Why Pay Sticker Price for College?

If you’ve ever bought a new car, I doubt you paid the sticker price. Would it surprise you that only 12% of those att...

Mar 28, 2018

Wait List Purgatory

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) cites an increase in college applications and of s...
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